​Мирні люди

Sat 13 July | 23:00 | Pálás Screen 2

2024 | Canada, France, Ukraine | 93’

Russian, Ukrainian (English Subtitles)

Ukrainian intelligence services have intercepted thousands of phone calls Russian soldiers made from the battlefield in Ukraine to their families and friends in Russia, painting a stark picture of the cruelty of war in a dizzying emotional tension. Juxtaposed with images of the destruction caused by the invasion, and the day-to-day life of the Ukrainian people who resist and rebuild, the voices of the Russian soldiers – ranging from being filled with heroic illusions to complete disappointment and loss of reason, from looting to committing more horrible war crimes, from propaganda to doubt and disillusionment – expose the whole scope of the dehumanising power of war and imperialist nature of the Russian aggression. An extraordinary debut feature from Oksana Karpovych which premiered at Berlinale.

Trigger warning: mature content and themes of war.

Irish Premiere  |  Post-show discussion will follow


Director/Writer: Oksana Karpovych
Producers: Giacomo Nudi, Rocío B. Fuentes, Pauline Tran Van Lieu, Lucie Rego, Darya Bassel, Olha Beskhmelnytsina

Principal funder